Signals and Systems - Episode MMCI
Dr. Watson's reanimated corpse drifted through Kurtzel's gamma ray identification system. The computer bleeped as his identity was finally confirmed to Kurtzel. A wry smile became apparent beneath his obstructive wrinkles. Kurtzel loved Dr. Watson. He had read all of his biographies and even tracked down a copy of his unfinished autobiography through some very cunning intellectual property theft software which his mentor, Pal Meteorite, coded during the magenta age; so it was indeed a pleasure for Kurtzel to not only acquire Dr. Watson's corpse but to also use experimental technologies to reanimate him and perhaps make him talk. "Oooh, yes..." Kurtzel muttered excitedly as he remembered that he had a copy of Meteorite's beta software for the reinamation of speech. He scrounged around for the CD, popped it in and ate meringue as it installed. 'Do you want to create a desktop icon?', the installation software prompted. 'No' responded Kurtzel. He opened the program and watched on in awe and astonishment as Dr. Watson's stiff mouth acquired agility and warmth. Kurtzel knew that Watson was about to speak for the first time in 315 years.
"I like myself! I'm a really nice guy!" Watson belted out.
this story is getting weirder each post!!
I am completely loving it though. Will there be another post that will fill us in on the cause of Watson's death. It is all so exciting. Please post again soon...the suspense is killing me!!
Has koskov ever read Dan Brown novels? or perhaps Robert Ludlum novels? Surely Tom Clancy? The point Jack is making is that Koskov is perhaps a brillant writer and should stop whatever Koskov does now to become a full time writer (and recluse.)
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