Koskov-Koskov's Dwelling of Enjoyment

This is my dwelling of enjoyment. If you hate people who wear fcuk t-shirts and enjoy low quality community television - this might be the place for you.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

A Day in Hollywood: A True Story

September 16th, 2000 - 3:15pm

Producer #1: I'm bored
Producer #2: So am I
Producer #1: Hey, how about we make a movie?
Producer #2: Ok... about what?
Producer #1: I don't fucking know.
Producer #2: How about we just take a little known European film and remake it with a 100 million dollar budget?
Producer #1: Haven't you heard of Vanilla Sky and Insomnia!? Everyone's doing that these days. Let's do something original.
Producer #2: Ok, How about we take a little known Japanese film and remake it with a 100 million dollar budget?
Producer #1: That's genius! I love it! In fact, I have this tape of some japanese horror movie called 'The Ring' or something in my office - I stole it from a charity bin.
Producer #2: Great! Let's remake it!
Producer #1: Shouldn't we watch it first?
Producer #2: Well... Ok. My Limo doesn't get here for a couple of hours, anyway.

[the two producers watch 'The Ring']

Producer #1: What did you think?
Producer #2: Oh, damn. I missed it all. I started daydreaming about horseys again.
Producer #1: Jesus! What is it with you and horseys!?
Producer #2: I like horseys!
Producer #1: Alright, alright... well - do you want to make the film or not?
Producer #2: Ok... but can we put some horseys in it?
Producer #1: No! There's no possible way that we can put horseys in this film without completely f*%king it up!
Producer #2: But I like horseys... [starts crying]
Producer #1: Oh, jesus... alright, i'll ask the screenwriter to put some horseys in the film, OK?
Producer #2: YAY!


At 2:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think im alergic to horseys,
and the other option they could take would be to talk a already awesome movie from the east, and re-release it in the west with slightly different subtitles that ruin the context, class, and coolness from the movie.
i am of course talking about Hero.....

and was the ring really japenese? cause godzilla would be my favourite.

At 9:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never knew they re-released Hero and the subtitles were wrong.

ヒロー を また リリース したの と 字まく に まちがい が あったって しらなかたよ。 

I usually find that it is almost impossible to portray translations flawlessly in subtitles though.

At 12:06 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They should just distribute free phrasebooks to movie patrons instead.
- sir Ned and his 100% recycled electrons

At 11:45 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah the hero thing for me, was the cliching line, the original is "all under heaven" and the version here was 2 words, cant remember, but something like "united together" or some crap... i was so cut.

as for the phrase books, they would need miners helmets too, so you could read the book in the dark, and intermissions again, so you could catch up on the phrases one misses in action sequences.

At 8:10 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the best movies still have intermissions.

At 10:18 pm, Blogger Biggles said...

Hero was great. I even took my mother to see it. The phrase you're thinking of is 'Our Land'. When I go into a foreign language film I never expect the subtitles to be perfect representations of what is actually being said - I think the strength of the story and the style of the film completely made up for any translation difficulties. Vomit.

At 10:51 pm, Blogger Biggles said...

i'd also like to point out that none of you idiots picked up on an obvious flaw in my post - being that the conversation took place in the year 2000 and Vanilla Sky and Insomnia were't released then. You could argue that they were in production and that these producers were aware of the project - but if you argued that you'd be a labelled a pretentious idiot by ME. I'm a very vivacious man.

At 4:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look I don't want to get picky, but wasn't there an earlier English version of Vanilla Sky anyway?

At 9:37 pm, Blogger Biggles said...

not that i'm aware of

At 10:23 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your right, i never expect the subtitles to be perfect either, but in heros case, i felt it detracted from overall emotion and culture from the movie. im talking about the belief of the chinese of them being on the 'middle earth' with 'heaven' above them. and so saying 'our land' as opposed to 'all under heaven' has slightly different connotations for the characters and emotions involved.

and no, i had no idea about the vanilla sky or the other one, as i havent seen them. should i?

At 11:33 am, Blogger Biggles said...

Insomnia is excellent. Vanilla Sky, though I haven't seen all of it, is appalling.

At 6:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't seen Vanilla Skies, but the Spainish version "Open Your Eyes" is great.



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