'Glad' - What a Stupid Word
I uttered the phrase 'glad I could help out' today in some awkward banter with some fellow students who barely qualify as acquaintances, when I realised what an awful word 'glad' is. Seriously, just spend a few moments focusing on the word and saying it to yourself either in your head or out aloud...
See? It's atrocious. Unfortunately, usage of the word is second nature for me so I am eternally using it in conversation and berating myself afterwards for having used it. It's an appalling situation to be in - which is why I'm writing about it in this blog. Who else am I going to tell about this situation? I can't tell my parents because they'd think i'm mad and cut me out of the will. I can't tell my friends because they'd think i'm mad and cut me out of the loop. I can't tell anyone in my courses at uni because I don't know anybody at uni. I can't tell my dog because I don't have a dog. God that was a lame joke...
You should all feel ashamed of yourselves for having read this drivel.
Jack loves reading your russian crap, thats why Jack checks your site several times a day!
Glad Happy
Glad Wrap
Glad Rock
um ... the dog joke was funny ...
That was a terrible piece of blogging. Do you want to come to the Pura Cup final on the weekend? Stuart McGill will hopefully take a lot of wickets and then drink some wine in an angry way.
Ring me on 3846 2013 tomorrow (Friday) sometime.
I would have to say that the term
"Go you good thing"
would have to be the most illogical, redundant term so widely used by many Australians.
Jack does not agree with your statement!
Jack believes that "Go you good thing" is perhaps the greatest supportor call ever!
It is simply un-australian that you make such a call, and Jack must therefore label you a terroist.
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