Rob Me and Put My Money in A Sewer With My Worthless Old Soul - A Haiku
rob me and put my
money in a sewer with
my worthless old soul
This is my dwelling of enjoyment. If you hate people who wear fcuk t-shirts and enjoy low quality community television - this might be the place for you.
rob me and put my
Dr. Watson's reanimated corpse drifted through Kurtzel's gamma ray identification system. The computer bleeped as his identity was finally confirmed to Kurtzel. A wry smile became apparent beneath his obstructive wrinkles. Kurtzel loved Dr. Watson. He had read all of his biographies and even tracked down a copy of his unfinished autobiography through some very cunning intellectual property theft software which his mentor, Pal Meteorite, coded during the magenta age; so it was indeed a pleasure for Kurtzel to not only acquire Dr. Watson's corpse but to also use experimental technologies to reanimate him and perhaps make him talk. "Oooh, yes..." Kurtzel muttered excitedly as he remembered that he had a copy of Meteorite's beta software for the reinamation of speech. He scrounged around for the CD, popped it in and ate meringue as it installed. 'Do you want to create a desktop icon?', the installation software prompted. 'No' responded Kurtzel. He opened the program and watched on in awe and astonishment as Dr. Watson's stiff mouth acquired agility and warmth. Kurtzel knew that Watson was about to speak for the first time in 315 years.
Geoff loosened his grip on the tusks as apathy calmly approached his prior state of fearlessness and said 'time's up, buddy'. His thoughts then unexpectedly harkened back to his early childhood. Geoff recalled himself laying in a meadow with his brother discussing the finer details of how to go about digging a really deep hole. It was almost dinner time but the siblings did not want to go inside because their mother was watching Calamity Jane. They hated that film. It wasn't that all the singing and dancing struck the pubescent boys as fruity, although that didn't help, it was Howard Keel's disturbing resemblance to their estranged father. The brothers never verbalised this affliction towards the film at this point in their lives, but the truth would often surface during future drunken family christmas humdingers.
Justness and
Geoff sucked on a toothpick. It dawned on him that it was somewhat ironic that when you suck on a toothpick, it gets wetter whereas if you suck on liquid (i.e. beer) it is drained of moisture and is thus drier. Geoff trembled.
"Tell Robert that he is untalented swine!" came the muffled cry from the boot of the car. Dr. Watson put his pants back on and pressured his twisted ankle against a rock to see how much it hurt. It still hurt a bit.
"When is it happening?" whispered Janet as she rubbed her sore toe with lavender oil.
The holy water seeps through,
I like it when she rang my bell,
If you're like me, and (if you're like me) you're probably not, I'd be very tempted to point the finger at the people standing in the corner looking sneakily in each others jacket pockets for the things they hold dear. Am I talking about drugs? Maybe. Blogging is like music; open to interpretation, I think if Paul Dempsey read my blog (and god knows, perhaps he does) he would agree that a little ambiguity never goes astray in art. Art. Yes, this is art. Art is NOW. That's right, YOU are currently experiencing art. How does that feel? Let me know.